Target your next job prospect through your contacts

Career Coffee Networking

In a coaching session last week my client, Zara* was sharing her ideas in setting up a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation.  As she was speaking I noticed myself pondering who I might know that could help her. I made a couple of suggestions then stopped and asked, ‘What is it that you need most help with?’ She replied, ‘I need to speak with someone who has already set up a successful NFP.’ Done. I knew just the person and sent an e-introduction. They are now on their way to meeting up and Zara is shouting my friend lunch.  Continue reading “Target your next job prospect through your contacts”

Time for a Resume Refresh

When was the last time you dusted off your resume? I’m guessing when you last applied for a job. It’s true for me too. I coach people in developing a marketable resume and when I last looked at mine I was a bit embarrassed!

The approach I take when helping people strengthen their resume is to focus on layout and then the content. In this post I’m going to list ways to improve the readability of your resume through some formatting suggestions:  Continue reading “Time for a Resume Refresh”

Finding Your First Job

school booksMany of my clients are people who are mid-way through their career and looking at a change in direction, but from time to time I help people just starting out in the world of work. I have provided coaching and resume support to high school students who are making decisions about their future and on the hunt for a part time job.

If you’re a teenage job seeker, here’s some things to help put your best foot forward when finding work.  Continue reading “Finding Your First Job”

Choosing The Best Path

Beach Sunset PathwayHave you been faced with a choice and not sure which direction to take? This happens to all of us at some point, and to varying degrees. Indecision can be stressful, especially when something’s riding on it, such as getting a job.  I’ve seen people struggle with decisions relating to their job search and career, when they’ve needed a sounding board to work things through. Continue reading “Choosing The Best Path”

An Attitude of Gratitude

thank you

When someone has done you a favour, helped you out or given their time, I assume it comes naturally to most people to say “thank you”. I was raised to write thank you cards to long distant family members when receiving presents, so for me its second nature.

In our busy lives, sending a note of thanks can often be overlooked and that’s ok. However, if you DO make this gesture it can have a positive impact in a number of ways: Continue reading “An Attitude of Gratitude”

Seeking Feedback

When it comes to final stage of the interview process and it’s between you and one other applicant, you can congratulate yourself for making it here. You’ve put in a great effort with your resume, cover letter, interview(s), and perhaps some psychometric testing or even a role play! You expect the phone to ring at any moment and fingers are crossed for positive news. In preparation for the outcome being against you, remember to thank them for the opportunity, but also ask the recruiter ‘How did I interview?’…or … ‘What could I have improved on?’

Continue reading “Seeking Feedback”

Servicing Your Career

Now that Spring is well and truly here and the grass (and weeds) are growing faster than ever, talk turns to gardening and the perennial gripe that the mower doesn’t work properly.  Have you heard of the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”?  Just like your garden machinery your career can sometimes use a little love and attention to make sure you’re ready when a job opportunity steers your way.


It doesn’t matter if you are chugging along in your world of work or you’re on the hunt for a new job, tick off these three things and you’ll be ready to spring into action:

  1. Rev up your resume – Is your resume marketing you?  Does your career summary highlight your strengths and make it clear to the reader the role and industry you are targeting?  Do your achievement statements include power words such as “strengthened”, “managed” and “improved”?  Having a stand out resume ready to send off will speed up the chances of a call to interview.
  2. Pump up your network activity – In a previous post I stressed the importance of building and maintaining meaningful relationships.  Every contact is important whether it’s at work, the newsagent, the cricket club or your art class.  Word of mouth is a powerful thing.
  3. Check your happiness gauge – Do you watch the clock for knock-off time and wonder whether you could be in a more fulfilling job?  The first step in kick starting a career change is self discovery.  By taking the time to assess your passions, strengths and values you can start to dream about a more fitting role and put steps in place to reach your goal.

I offer free 20 minute resume checks at our local market in Harcourt to help the community bring their resume up to speed.  How will you put the spark back into your career?

Cheers, Gen

How To Open Doors

Handleby Genevieve Ward

The last few weeks I’ve been super busy juggling my business activities between working with clients, marketing via social media, preparing presentation slides, responding to emails and building my professional contacts.  All important and exciting stuff to keep my business moving forward and thankfully my efforts are paying off!  I’ve started working with some local people to hone their job search skills, I’m presenting to graduate librarians on interview techniques and I’ve joined a local think tank.  I attribute these recent successes to networking. Continue reading “How To Open Doors”

What’s Great About Volunteering?

by Genevieve Ward

Research shows that Australians love to volunteer.  Not surprising really when research also shows that people who volunteer have a greater sense of overall life satisfaction.

Last week I volunteered at the Melbourne Careers Expo where I gave career and resume advice to job seekers.  When I agreed to help out my motives were to do some professional development, network and promote my business.  Landing a client would be a bonus. Continue reading “What’s Great About Volunteering?”